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Annmaree Miller
MHSc, GDHSc (HerbMed), BNursing, DHM, DRM, DI, CCYT(+)

Medical Herbalist

Annmaree's passion for life, learning and health care, maybe observed in her enthusiasm to  teach what she has learnt and lives as a lifestyle and to share this with others.


 Life is a blessing to be lived well.

Annmaree's Training and Qualifications.



Currently studying Post-Graduate studies in Psychology (Monash University). 2021


Speaker at the 2020, Genostics Cancer Conference. Presentation: A holistic molecular perspective of cancer development. 


Postgraduate Certificate Functional Herbal Therapy and Cancer (by Professor Kerry Bone) Society of Wellness Nutritional Systems USA



University of New England, Armidale NSW

Masters in Health Science, Herbal Medicine
2010 – 2012

Specialising in Stress Physiology and Management,

Biology of Ageing and  Health Promotion/Education.

Post Graduate Health Science, Herbal Medicine
2005 – 2008

Brisbane Holistic Health Centre
Diploma in Remedial Massage
2007 – 2007

Charles Darwin University
Bachelor Degree, Nursing. Specialist Elective selection, duration (one year). 
2000 – 2004                          Alcohol and Drug Counselling/ Intervention.                                         

Coolangata TAFE. Qld.
Certificate in Remedial Massage
2003 – 2003


Meditation Institute
Diploma in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Training
2000 – 2002

​Activities: Completed the requirements for 3 of the 4 modules. The fourth involved pharmacognosy of which is an area studied extensively in other training.


Queensland Institute of Natural Science

Naturopathy, Naturopathy, Yr 2 - yr 3
1998 – 1999
Further studies in Naturopathic studies were done to meet the new required curriculum for the industry's credibility.
Activities: Subjects completed ; Communication, Clinical Practicum A Mineral Therapy, Introductory Counselling Skills, and Nutrition 2.


Meditation Institute
Level: 1, 2, and 3., Adult Yoga Teaching.
1995 – 1998
All certificates were sequential, and although documentation for attainment had been made no statement of attainments were given for reasons unknown to participant.
Activities: Completed the requirements for original courses enrolled in, however criteria for course acceptance by associations changed, therefore more study was required, and as a young mum I later upgraded studies, although not enough to acquire the new official attainment. However the information has and is always cherished.


Queensland Institute of Natural Science

Naturopathy, Naturopathy, Yr 2 - yr 3
1998 – 1999
Further studies in Naturopathic studies were done to meet the new required curriculum for the industry's credibility.
Activities: Subjects completed ; Communication, Clinical Practicum A Mineral Therapy, Introductory Counselling Skills, and Nutrition 2.


Meditation Institute
Certificate 1, 2, and 3., Yoga Teaching.
1995 – 1998
All certificates were sequential, and although documentation for attainment had been made no statement of attainments were given for reasons unknown to participant.
Activities: Completed the requirements for original courses enrolled in, however criteria for course acceptance by associations changed, therefore more study was required, and as a young mum I later upgraded studies, although not enough to acquire the new official attainment. However the information has and is always cherished.


Melbourne College of Natural Medicine
Naturopathy, Naturopathy, yr 1
1996 – 1996
These naturopathic studies were additional to all other courses as the industry's requirements for credibility were increased.
Activities: Subjects completed : Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Massage, Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Herbal Medicine, Chemistry, Homeopathy.


Meditation Institute

Diploma in Yoga Teaching, Yoga
1992 – 1993
Activities: Completed the requirements for original course enrolled in, however criteria for course acceptance by associations changed, therefore more study was required, and as a young mum I later upgraded studies, although not enough to acquire the official attainment. However the information has and is always cherished.

Queensland Institute of Natural Science
Diploma in Herbal Medicine
1992 – 1993


Queensland Institute of Natural Science
Diploma in Iridology, Iris Diagnosis
1991 – 1992


Queensland Institute of Natural Science
Certificate in Homeopathy
1991 – 1992
Activities: Completed the requirements for original course enrolled in, however criteria for course acceptance by associations changed, therefore more study was required, and as a young mum I later upgraded studies, although not enough to acquire the new official attainment. However the information has and is always cherished.


Queensland Institute of Natural Science

Certificate in Nutrition

1991 – 1992
Activities: Completed the requirements for original course enrolled in, however criteria for course acceptance by associations changed, therefore more study was required, and as a young mum I later upgraded studies, although not enough to acquire the new official attainment. However the information has and is always cherished.

Shanti Yoga Teaching Training Academy (SYTTA)
Certificate in Children's Yoga Teaching, Yoga Teaching
1991 – 1991

Queensland Institute of Natural Science

Certificate in Herbal Medicine for the Home, Herbal Medicine
1984 – 1986

My interest in herbs and health began 50 plus years ago, of which over 25 years of those have been spent formally studying the health suggestions of  varying modalities ranging from; nursing, yoga and complementary medicine.
Excitedly the most recent studies included the  completion of Postgraduate Certificate in Functional Herbal Therapy and Cancer by Professor Kerry Bone and  my Master’s Degree in Health Science (University of New England) which included: specialising in  Stress Physiology and Biology of Ageing, and Health Promotion and Education and Research , as well as just prior to that was a Post Graduate in Health Science majoring in  Herbal Medicine, at the University of New England. These tasks I could only have dreamed of doing when I first began my herbal medicine training in 1984.

Dr Ainsles Meares once said, “ The way to doctoring is not just about healing,” and I extend the essence of his meaning tothe way of healing is no just about doctoring.’  Therefore, I wish to give credibility to all areas of medicine and the practitioners that provide disease treatment and health maintenance effective for healing.

The question that needs to be addressed in regards to the significance of Herbal Medicine as a form of treatment, is not does it work, but can or is herbal medicine being utilised to it’s optimum potential?

The answer although appealingly simple, is in fact complex, mainly because most illness today are complex, chronic and diverse in nature, and therefore to seek a herb that is good for one aspect of disease such as lung complaints, lower cholesterol, or assist with the healing process of the common cold, does not give the philosophy or potential of Herbal Healing justice.

​The industry of herbal medicine in both education and manufacturing has come such a long way. Do you remember when herbal medicine products were only an option to buy at practitioner dispensaries or health food shops? Actually its not that long ago. The popularity for herbal treatment or phytotherapy has increased so much, particularly with online diagnostic assessment and purchasing in pharmacies and marketing. However herbal medicine is not like medical medicine. The art and science of using herbs for treatments is not optimum when ‘choosing the plant for the area of concern’. This use of herbal medicine is no different to the medical models treatment approach. However when you  see a professional medical herbalist you will potentiate the effectiveness of herbal medicine's complex of molecular chemicals that include; minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other various chemicals, to assist with the body, mind and emotion of an individual as they occurs specifically in their physiology and nature.


When it comes to your health, optimum care is crucial for best results. If your health concerns are influenced by the increasingly numerous 21st century diseases, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune, stress-related and many others, then the days of picking herbs from the garden for medicine are not enough. Herbs as food are valuable for healthy diets, however choosing herbs for medicine in times of complex diseases needs further assessment and quite frankly professional advice.

Research, and I mean valuable research that involves both the clinical trials of the biochemists and scientists, as well as the long-term traditional use of folklore that have spent much work and effort investigating herbal medicine as a form of effective treatment will give the best results.

Therefore, seeking a professional healthcare practitioner trained in herbal medicine is an option that you can choose confidentially as either complimentary to your general practitioner or as your primary healthcare physician. The choice is up to You ☺

Clinic in 

Sth Murwillumbah, 2484, NSW.

Call for a consultation today!


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0432 993 523

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    - A Deep Relaxation CD
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